Nowcasting Wind, Wave, Current and Turbulence Intensity for Offshore Wind Power Operation and Maintenance

Open Access
ISSN 2690-1692
© 2021 by the authors; CC BY 4.0 licence
Journal of Energy and Power Technology , Volume 3 , Issue 1 (2021)
Pages: 276
Published: July 2021
(This book is a printed edition that was published in Journal of Energy and Power Technology)
Cover Story: Fluid flow in crustal reservoirs is spatially correlated (channelised) at all scale lengths due to the empirical connection of permeability K and porosity φ, K(x,y,z) ~ exp(αφ(x,y,z)), α constant for the ambient crust.. View this paper.
Volume 3,Issue 1
Nowcasting Wind, Wave, Current and Turbulence Intensity for Offshore Wind Power Operation and Maintenanceby
![]() Abstract In order to improve offshore wind power operation and maintenance (O&M), particularly during tropical and non-tropical cyclones, short-term forecasts or nowcasts up to 6 hours of meteorological and oceanographic (met-ocean) parameters including wind, waves, currents and turbulence intensity are needed. On the basis of numerous air-sea and wind-wave interaction experiments, datasets are analyzed including those from simultaneous measurements of wind and waves during Hurricane Wilma. Formulas [...] |
Crustal Reservoir Flow Simulation for Long-Range Spatially-Correlated Random Poroperm Mediaby
![]() ![]() Abstract In interest of accurately modelling wellbore production in convective geothermal systems, we draw attention to two approaches to numerical simulation of crustal fluid flow. The historical ‘’strong’’ approach simulates the fluid mass conservation condition on a localised finite difference mesh approximation to poroelastic continua. The more flexible ‘’weak’’ approach globally enforces fluid mass conservation by in effect integrating over all numerical mesh cells. Strong formulation crustal flow s [...] |
Multi-Disciplinary and Multi-Scale Assessment of Marine Renewable Energy Structure in a Tidal SystemAbstract The French coast of the Atlantic and English Channel (EC) is promising for the development of Marine Renewable Energy (MRE), including wind, wave, and tidal stream, due to the high velocity of currents in some parts of the area. This paper, focusing on wind and tidal energy, discusses how the implementation of MRE converters influences biodiversity, and vice versa, through biofouling and reef effects. The understanding of these interactions requires the knowledge of the hydro-sedimentary conditi [...] |
Accelerated Controller Tuning for Wind Turbines Under Multiple Hazardsby
![]() ![]() Abstract During their lifecycle, wind turbines can be subjected to multiple hazard loads, such as high-intensity wind, earthquake, wave, and mechanical unbalance. Excessive vibrations, due to these loads, can have detrimental effects on energy production, structural lifecycle, and the initial cost of wind turbines. Vibration control by various means, such as passive, active, and semi-active control systems provide crucial solutions to these issues. We developed a novel control theory that enables semi-ac [...] |
High Energy Density Rechargeable Aqueous Lithium Batteries with an Aqueous Hydroquinone Sulfonic Acid and Benzoquinone Sulfonic Acid Redox Couple Cathodeby
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Abstract The demand for high energy density rechargeable batteries beyond lithium-ion batteries has increased for electric vehicles. In the present study, a novel high energy density rechargeable aqueous lithium battery was proposed. The battery was composed of a lithium metal anode, a lithium-stable non-aqueous electrolyte, a water-stable lithium-ion conducting solid electrolyte of Li1.4Al0.4Ge0.2Ti1.4(PO4)3-epoxy-TiO2 separator, and a hydroquinone sulfonic acid (HQS)/benzoquinone sulfonic acid (BQS) re [...] |
Melting/Solidification Processes of PEG 1500 in Vertical and Horizontal Annular EnclosureAbstract In this paper, the primary aim is to look at the fundamental melting/solidification processes of polyethylene glycol 1500 (PEG 1500) for energy storage – insulation to prolong the cooling time of pipelines in unexpected shut-down conditions, prevent/minimize the wax deposition, and hydrate formation. Polyethylene glycol 1500 was selected because its melting temperature is >317 K making it a suitable candidate as lagging material to prevent wax deposition and hydrate formation in subsea oil pi [...] |
Modeling of Ceria Reduction in a Solar Thermochemical Reactor via DEM Methodby
![]() ![]() Abstract Solar thermochemical reactor provides an attractive approach that utilizes the most common solar radiation as the thermal driving force to motivate the reaction between CO2 and metal oxides, which is also called metal oxide redox pair-based thermochemical cycles. The CeO2/CeO2-δis widely used in the two-step redox process due to its advantages including fast-redox kinetics, high crystallographic stability of a wide range of reacting oxygen non-stoichiometry, and relatively [...] |
Ni-Silica-based Catalysts for CH4 Reforming by CO2 with Enhanced Stability: Recent Designs and the Impacts of Ni Confinement, Promoters, and Core-Shell StructuresAbstract CO2 reforming of CH4, also referred to as the Dry Reforming of Methane (DRM), is considered an excellent method to produce H2 and CO (syngas), which are known to be used for the production of higher alkanes and oxygenates. Despite nickel’s moderate toxicity, Ni-based heterogeneous catalysts are considered excellent candidates for use in DRM due to their reasonable performances and economic advantages. However, these materials a [...] |
Quaternary Hydrides Pd1-y-zAgyCuzHx Embedded Atom Method Potentials for Hydrogen Energy ApplicationsAbstract The Pd-H system has attracted extensive attention. Pd can absorb considerable amount of H at room temperature, this ability is reversible, so it is suitable for multiple energy applications. Pd-Ag alloys possess higher H permeability, solubility and narrower miscibility gap with better mechanical properties than pure Pd, but sulfur poisoning remains an issue. Pd-Cu alloys have excellent resistance to sulfur and carbon monoxide poisoning and hydrogen embrittlement, good mechanical properties, and [...] |
Spatio-Temporal Metocean Measurements for Offshore Wind Powerby
![]() Abstract This paper presents the case for the use of HF radar to provide wave, current and wind measurements and maps during the surveying, resource and impact assessment, construction, maintenance and performance assessment phases of an offshore fixed or floating wind farm or other marine renewable project. The data presented are from the Celtic Sea which is currently the focus of a lot of offshore wind interest. The data are from a dual radar system deployed at the Wave Hub site off the Cornwall coast [...] |
SOFC Stack and System Modeling, Fault Diagnosis and ControlAbstract This report is an account of research and development activities undertaken by the Centre for Process Systems Computations, Department of Chemical Engineering at Curtin University, Western Australia in the area of solid oxide fuel cells. The focus of work of the group included 1)effect of cell macrostructure and microstructure on electrochemical performance with a view to optimise both macro- and micro-structure 2) electrochemistry modeling for simulating electrochemical performance 3) internal [...] |
Online State of Charge Prediction in Next Generation Vehicle Batteries Using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks and Continuous Model Size Controlby
![]() ![]() Abstract This investigation presents a data-driven Long-short Term Memory battery model for predicting State of Charge for lithium-ion batteries LiFePO4 for next-generation vehicle operations. Our modified algorithm builds and updates a model using multivariate inputs that include physical properties, voltage, current, and ambient temperature during operations. The primary research goal is to improve prediction performance on future values from multiple training examples using an online learning scheme. [...] |
Acknowlegement to Reviewers of Journal of Energy and Power Technology in 2020Abstract The editors of Journal of Energy and Power Technology would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following reviewers for assessing manuscripts in 2020. We greatly appreciate the contribution of expert reviewers, which is crucial to the journal's editorial process. We aim to recognize reviewer contributions through several mechanisms, of which the annual publication of reviewer names is one. Reviewers receive a voucher entitling them to a discount on the [...] |
Assessment of Cu(In, Ga)Se2 Solar Cells Degradation due to Water Ingress Effect on The CdS Buffer Layerby
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Abstract The effect of water ingress on the surface of the buffer layer of a Cu(In, Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cell was studied. Such degradation can occur either during the fabrication process, if it involves a chemical bath as is often the case for CdS, or while the modules are in the field and encapsulants degrade. To simulate the impact of this moisture ingress, devices with a structure sodalime glass/Mo/CIGS/CdS were immersed in deionized water. The thin films were then analyzed both [...] |