The Fat Level in the Breast Milk and Its Association with Dietary Intake and Body Mass Index of Breastfeeding Mothers in Central Ethiopia, 2017
(ISSN 2771-9871)
Recent Progress in Nutrition (ISSN 2771-9871) is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published quarterly online by LIDSEN Publishing Inc. This periodical is devoted to publishing high-quality papers that describe the most significant and cutting-edge research in all areas of nutritional sciences. Its aim is to provide timely, authoritative introductions to current thinking, developments and research in carefully selected topics. Also, it aims to enhance the international exchange of scientific activities in nutritional science and human health.
Recent Progress in Nutrition publishes high quality intervention and observational studies in nutrition. High quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses are also welcome as are pilot studies with preliminary data and hypotheses generating studies. Emphasis is placed on understanding the relationship between nutrition and health and of the role of dietary patterns in health and disease.
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Publication Speed (median values for papers published in 2024): Submission to First Decision: 7.5 weeks; Submission to Acceptance: 15.5 weeks; Acceptance to Publication: 7 days (1-2 days of FREE language polishing included)
Special Issue
Diet Quality, Nutrition during Pregnancy and Infant Offspring Health
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2024 (Open) Submit Now
Guest Editor
Britni L. Ayers, PhD, Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences-Northwest, Fayetteville, AR, United States
Research interests: Community-engaged research; maternal health; Pacific Islanders
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The Fat Level in the Breast Milk and Its Association with Dietary Intake and Body Mass Index of Breastfeeding Mothers in Central Ethiopia, 2017Abstract Human milk is not static; it is an invariant fluid that fluctuates in micro and macronutrient composition during feeding. The fat in human milk contributes above half the energy the infant demands. Moreover, fat is one of the most essential nutrients for brain tissue development during infancy. However, the effect of maternal nutritional statu [...] |