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Open Access

ISSN 2766-6190

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research , Volume 5 , Issue 2 (2024)

Pages: 117

Published: July 2024

(This book is a printed edition that was published in  Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research)

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Cover Story: This practice-oriented method investigates the physical characteristics of daylighting systems such as window sizes, shapes, dimensions, and materials at the primary steps of the architectural design of a school. Based on the parametric control, the daylighting quality was evaluated to correct design mistakes before starting the construction process.View this paper

Volume 5,Issue 2

Open Access Review

Phytoremediation: A Sustainable Approach to Combat Soil Salinity

Received: 14 March 2024;  Published: 12 June 2024;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2402015


Soil salinization is a significantconstraint affecting the productivity of agricultural land worldwide. This led to the abandoning of the production of farmcrops on colossalland. Soil salinity inversely affects seed germination and plant growth and influences the plant’s biological activities like photosynthesis, respiration, plant metabolism, enzymatic activities, hormone regulation, etc. Therefore, efforts are being made to bring the saline soil under cultivation by improving itthrough a prope [...]

Open Access Review

Human Health Impact of Municipal Solid Waste Mismanagement: A Review

Received: 22 December 2023;  Published: 11 June 2024;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2402014


Management of municipal solid waste (MSW) is frequently not properly performed. Whenever this happens, those working in the different stages of the process, as well as residents close to the dumps, face health risks. Here, we revised the documented evidence of emissions liberated during MSW management and associated health problems to investigate if systematic and reproducible relationships can be established. Besides substances released during collection and transportation, various toxic substa [...]

Open Access Original Research

Sustainable Hospital Waste Management Practices in the Western Province of Sri Lanka: Problems and Prospects

Received: 25 December 2023;  Published: 28 May 2024;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2402013


Ensuring the sustainability of hospital waste management practices has become a burning issue. Due to the growing population coinciding with rapid urbanization and industrialization, practicing sustainable methods of medical waste management is an urgent requirement. Like other developing countries, Sri Lanka also faces various difficulties when dealing with high-risk hospital waste material, spreading diseases rapidly and making the environment unclean. Thus, moving tow [...]

Open Access Original Research

Application of Simulation-Based Metrics to Improve the Daylight Performance of a Secondary School, An Approach for Green Building Designers and Architects

Received: 07 January 2024;  Published: 17 May 2024;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2402012


Visual comfort affects the quality of classrooms as well as student learning. A practice-oriented approach discovers how the gap between academic research and its application in building design can be addressed. Nevertheless, the physical characteristics design of daylighting systems, including window sizes, shapes, dimensions, and materials, are considered fundamental challenges for their practicability. In this study, the physical characteristics design of daylighting systems, including window [...]

Open Access Original Research

Estimating Inhaled Nitrogen Dioxide from the Human Biometric Response

Received: 19 December 2023;  Published: 08 May 2024;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2402011


Breathing clean air is crucial for maintaining good human health. The air we inhale can significantly impact our physical and mental well-being, influenced by parameters such as particulate matter and gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide). Building on previous research that explored the effects of particulate matter (PM) in specific environments, analyzed using biometric indicators and machine learning models; this work focuses on the effects and estimation of inhale [...]

Open Access Original Research

Coliform Bacteria Contamination of Water Resources and Implications on Public Health in Fako Division, South West Region, Cameroon

Received: 03 March 2024;  Published: 19 April 2024;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2402010


Bacteriological contamination of water sources, often due to improper handling of human waste, poses significant public health risks. This study investigates coliform bacteria contamination in water sources across the Fako Division of Cameroon. Twenty water samples were collected from various sources, including streams, community water, springs, boreholes, and wells, and analyzed for total coliforms using Violet-Red-Bile-Lactose (VRBL) Agar. Additionally, 352 household questionnaires [...]