OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published quarterly online by LIDSEN Publishing Inc. It covers all evidence-based scientific studies on integrative, alternative and complementary approaches to improving health and wellness.

Topics contain but are not limited to:

  • Acupuncture
  • Acupressure
  • Acupotomy
  • Bioelectromagnetics applications
  • Pharmacological and biological treatments including their efficacy and safety
  • Diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes
  • Herbal medicine
  • Homeopathy
  • Manual healing methods (e.g., massage, physical therapy)
  • Kinesiology
  • Mind/body interventions
  • Preventive medicine
  • Research in integrative medicine
  • Education in integrative medicine
  • Related policies

The journal publishes a variety of article types: Original Research, Review, Communication, Opinion, Comment, Conference Report, Technical Note, Book Review, etc.

There is no restriction on paper length, provided that the text is concise and comprehensive. Authors should present their results in as much detail as possible, as reviewers are encouraged to emphasize scientific rigor and reproducibility.

Publication Speed (median values for papers published in 2024): Submission to First Decision: 6.8 weeks; Submission to Acceptance: 14.3 weeks; Acceptance to Publication: 6 days (1-2 days of FREE language polishing included)

Special Issue

Early Identification, Prevention and Care of Disruptive Behavior Problems in Very Young Children

Submission Deadline: September 15, 2025 (Open) Submit Now

Guest Editor

Raymond H. Baillargeon, PhD, Associate Professor

Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Canada

Website | E-Mail

Research interests: Disruptive behavior problems; Infancy; Developmental origins of diseases; Clinical practice guidelines for mental health; Clinical epidemiology; Longitudinal data analysis

About This Topic

There is a consensus about the importance of preventing disruptive behavior problems in children. In light of recent empirical evidence, infancy may represent a unique, not to be missed, window of opportunity to do so. During this period, regularly scheduled well-baby/child visits with a primary care provider may well offer the best opportunity to monitor children’s behavioral development in the general population.

This special issue focuses on the many challenges facing the developmental surveillance of children’s behavioral development during well-baby/child visits. It will showcase four challenges of particular importance.

First challenge. Across developed countries, different clinical practice guidelines do exist for the developmental surveillance of children’s behavioral development. What are they? How do they differ from each other and on what rationale?

Second challenge. Are current clinical practice guidelines trustworthy? In other words, have they been developed, in whole or in part, according to generally accepted standards?

Third challenge. Are current clinical practice guidelines efficient? What evidence, if any, do we have to decide between different clinical practice guidelines? For instance, if screening is being recommended what evidence do we have to help us choose among the different types (e.g., universal vs. selective)?

Fourth challenge. Are current clinical practice guidelines being implemented in primary care? What are the main obstacles for their implementation?

Papers dealing with these challenges are welcome. Also invited are papers dealing with other important issues about developmental surveillance. Other issues of interest include rationale for new and improved clinical practice guidelines or standards for developing guidelines.


Disruptive behavior problems; infancy; childhood; primary health care; clinical practice guidelines; evidence-based medicine; preventive medicine

Manuscript Submission Information

Manuscripts should be submitted through the LIDSEN Submission System. Detailed information on manuscript preparation and submission is available in the Instructions for Authors. All submitted articles will be thoroughly refereed through a single-blind peer-review process and will be processed following the Editorial Process and Quality Control policy. Upon acceptance, the article will be immediately published in a regular issue of the journal and will be listed together on the special issue website, with a label that the article belongs to the Special Issue. LIDSEN distributes articles under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License in an open-access model. The authors own the copyright to the article, and the article can be free to access, distribute, and reuse provided that the original work is correctly cited.

Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). Research articles and review articles are highly invited. Authors are encouraged to send the tentative title and abstract of the planned paper to the Editorial Office (icm@lidsen.com) for record. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office.

Welcome your submission!
