Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research (AEER) is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal published quarterly online by LIDSEN Publishing Inc. This periodical is devoted to publishing high-quality peer-reviewed papers that describe the most significant and cutting-edge research in all areas of environmental science and engineering. Work at any scale, from molecular biology to ecology, is welcomed.

Main research areas include (but are not limited to):

  • Atmospheric pollutants
  • Air pollution control engineering
  • Climate change
  • Ecological and human risk assessment
  • Environmental management and policy
  • Environmental impact and risk assessment
  • Environmental microbiology
  • Ecosystem services, biodiversity and natural capital
  • Environmental economics
  • Control and monitoring of pollutants
  • Remediation of polluted soils and water
  • Fate and transport of contaminants
  • Water and wastewater treatment engineering
  • Solid waste treatment

Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research publishes a variety of article types (Original Research, Review, Communication, Opinion, Comment, Conference Report, Technical Note, Book Review, etc.). We encourage authors to be succinct; however, authors should present their results in as much detail as necessary. Reviewers are expected to emphasize scientific rigor and reproducibility.

Publication Speed (median values for papers published in 2024): Submission to First Decision: 6.2 weeks; Submission to Acceptance: 16.2 weeks; Acceptance to Publication: 9 days (1-2 days of FREE language polishing included)

Current Issue: 2025  Archive: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020

Special Issue

Remediation of PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) Contamination

Submission Deadline: November 15, 2020 (Closed) Submit Now

Guest Editor

Zed Rengel, PhD

Professor, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, UWA School of Agriculture and Environment, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Perth, WA 6009, Australia

Website | E-Mail

Research Interests: soil science; environmental science; roots, ion cycling in the soil-plant-microbe continuum; remediation of saline soils, cadmium, wetlands

About This Topic

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), used in common household and other consumer products and in industrial applications, may be harmful to a range of living organisms, including humans. Many PFAS (eg. perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, perfluorooctanoic acid, etc.) are widespread persistent organic pollutants in soils and waters around the world.

There is a range of chemical, engineering and biological technologies with a potential to contribute to remediation of PFAS-contaminated sites (eg. fluidisation, thermal decomposition, ion exchange, nanofiltration, magnetite nanoparticles adsorption, electrochemically-activated sorption, microbial decomposition, phytoremediation). This special issue will cover most of these technologies individually and/or in combination, critically appraising scientific, technical, economic, social, public health and other relevant aspects.

The urgency of developing a toolkit of options to treat PFAS in soil, groundwater, surface waters and wastewater streams is growing and represents a pressing environmental challenge of our time. This special issue will compile research currently dealing with remediation of PFAS-contaminated sites, contributing significantly to the worldwide effort to develop the PFAS-treatment toolkit.

Original research reports, insightful reviews, short communications, opinion papers, etc. are welcome in all areas pertinent to PFAS treatment. All accepted papers will be published totally free of charge.

Planned Papers

Title: PFAS as emerging contaminants in landfills and potential impacts on geosynthetics
Authors: Will Gates 1, Andras Fehervari 1, Alastair MacLeod 1, Mathew Watts 2, Abdelmalek Bouazza 3

  1. Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood, Victoria 3125, Australia
  2. School of Earth Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia
  3. Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Title: PFAS Harvester – A Technology Platform for Combined Thermochemical Conversion and Resource Recovery from PFAS
Authors: Behdad Moghtaderi
Affiliation: Priority Research Centre for Frontier Energy Technologies and Utilisation, The University of Newcastle, Australia

Title: Treatment of Airport De-Icing Fluid Runoff to Remove PFAS
Authors: Steven Woodard and Brandon Newman

Title:Treatment of Next Generation Aqueous Film Forming Foams and PFAS Co-Contamination
Authors: Steven Woodard and Brandon Newman

Manuscript Submission Information

Manuscripts should be submitted through the LIDSEN Submission System. Detailed information on manuscript preparation and submission is available in the Instructions for Authors. All submitted articles will be thoroughly refereed through a single-blind peer-review process and will be processed following the Editorial Process and Quality Control policy. Upon acceptance, the article will be immediately published in a regular issue of the journal and will be listed together on the special issue website, with a label that the article belongs to the Special Issue. LIDSEN distributes articles under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License in an open-access model. The authors own the copyright to the article, and the article can be free to access, distribute, and reuse provided that the original work is correctly cited.

Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). Research articles and review articles are highly invited. Authors are encouraged to send the tentative title and abstract of the planned paper to the Editorial Office ( for record. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office.

Welcome your submission!


Open Access Review

Challenges in the PFAS Remediation of Soil and Landfill Leachate: A Review

Received: 15 December 2020;  Published: 19 April 2021;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2102006


Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has become a big concern as a result of their high contamination in different environmental matrices. In EU countries, sites contaminated with PFAS are usually remediated by excavating soil and disposing of it in a landfill since no in-situ or on-site techniques capable of treating large quantities [...]
Open Access Review

Interactions of Per- and Polyfluoralkyl Substances (PFAS) with Landfill Liners

Received: 16 September 2020;  Published: 31 December 2020;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2004007


This review synthesises the available published research on interactions of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) with landfill liners, with the view to inform on the expected behaviour of these persistent environmental pollutants in landfills. The review addresses the nature and significant types of PFAS compounds that are [...]
Open Access Original Research

Electrochemical Oxidation of Perfluorooctanesulfonate by Magnéli Phase Ti4O7 Electrode in the Presence of Trichloroethylene

Received: 02 November 2020;  Published: 29 December 2020;  doi: 10.21926/aeer.2004006


This study examined the degradation of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) in electrochemical oxidation (EO) processes in the presence of trichloroethylene (TCE). The EO experiment was performed in a gas-tight reactor using Magnéli phase titanium suboxide (Ti4O 7) as [...]